Eve Paludan
author : Eve Paludan
Eve Paludan lives in sunny Mesa, Arizona, where she writes fiction, enjoys reading paranormal mysteries and romances, and taking scenic photos. She's addicted to thrift stores. She dreams about vampires and werewolves. She also enjoys daily swimming and plots her books while she swims laps. She likes listening to Lindsey Stirling's electric violin music and rock 'n roll from the 60s and 70s. She's amused by haiku and limericks, and sometimes thinks in iambic pentameter.
Eve Paludan Book Series
J.R. Rains Vampire for Hire World_Dragon Lessons
Dragon Lessons
Vampires She Wrote
Wolf Moon
J.R. Rain's Vampire for Hire World_Wolf Moon
Ghost Fire (The Ghost Files Book 3)
J.R. Rains Vampire for Hire World_Dead Ahead
Hollywood Hills (Medium Mysteries Book 3)
J.R. Rain's Vampire for Hire World_Vampires She Wrote